Holografie Wolfgang Ploenes


Artist Wolfgang Ploenes Based in Germany

Holography Artist


nice that you visit my page and give me the opportunity to bring you the holography in its fundamentals a little closer.

Maybe I’ll succeed in triggering a bit of fascination in you. Sometimes there is a desire to make a hologram yourself. It’s not that hard but pretty impressive!

The question

„How does the hologram actually get on the film or the record?“ The answer is simple at first glance, namely, where to take it Object AND the film (plate) illuminated or exposed with laser light.


One of the most important prerequisites for the success of a hologram is the stability of the structure. In order to record a hologram, you need a table, a very stable table, on which laser, mirrors, optics, plate holders can find space. The optimal table size is in the amateur area at about 2 square meters. There is sufficient space to ensure certain necessary distances between the individual components.

Laser Impact

A hologram is created by the interference (superposition) of light, in our case red laser light of 632 NM (nanometer) wavelength. The laser light strikes and is reflected by the object to be recorded and reflected back to the (laser) light-sensitive film, which is sensitized precisely for this wavelength of 632 nm. At the same time, the film or plate is exposed by the same laser (light). Due to the coherence (phase equality) of the laser light, a spatial image of the original is produced exactly on a scale of 1:1 on the film emulsion.

Better understanding

By way of an example, one can make it clear: If you throw a stone into a still water, a wave spreads uniformly visible on all sides. You can see large and outwardly decreasing waves of water that spread around the point of entry. If one disturbs this wave by a second stone, this calm spread disappears by the action of the movement of the second stone. So there is no superposition of the original wave more. The reinforcement of wave mountain and wave valley is disturbed.


For the success of a hologram recording this condition of stability, in order to ensure this „standing wave“, indispensable.

Wolfgang Ploenes

My name is Wolfgang and I am a born „Uerdinger“, born in 1952 and raised in Krefeld on the left Lower Rhine. The first contact with holography came in the early 80s through the fascination of exhibited holograms in different sizes and techniques. Soon, the desire awoke in me to make this extraordinary phenomenon of 3D presentation without viewing aids even for me to do feasible. 1983 – almost in the „wedding“ of holography, the first small 6 * 5 cm holograms were created. The interest in it was enormous, so that I soon became a teacher of various adult education courses in holography. As an „active retiree“ after a successful career, this unique hobby took possession of me again and embraced me with all its magic. The network likes to „remember“ the holography and there are also discussion and exchange forums not only via Facebook. So everything took its course and the holography again took on „shape“ in the truest three-dimensional sense.

To put it in a nutshell

Holography is a damn cool thing !!! -what am i talking about..do it, just do it – alone or together.

Here you will find some useful links to one of the best photographer Yvonne Mook and a creative webdesign studio, 5 RAKETEN. Of course, the imprint, GDPR, and my little Shop must not be missing either.